Part 61: 1970s, Riley's Diner, Half-Sister Leslie Shows up
Today is Sunday, January 17, 2021. Trump has been impeached for inciting an insurrection. The 45th president has been quiet, many of his...

Part 60: The Encyclopedia of Folk Music, Investors, Copies of Riley's Agreements, The Fresno Library
Today is Sunday, January 10, 2021. This Week blew up on January 6th, which began with the historical news that the runoff in Georgia...

Part 59: Riley Often Claimed He Wrote The Song "Blue Christmas."
When I was a little girl, my father told me that he wrote the song "Blue Christmas". I'm pretty sure the first time he told me that is when

Part 58: The Great Escape, My Friend Dianna
Today is Sunday, December 27, 2020. In local news, there's still a snowy owl from the Arctic hanging out in our neighborhood. She favors...

Part 57: Riley Shepard History, His Journal, and A Video Clip
Today is Sunday, December 20th, 2020. The historic Cliff House restaurant, which first opened 157 years ago, will close. 180 employees...

Part 56: How I Met My Mother, by Marion Kminek, Plus Video of Riley Shepard
When I was young, I would watch TV and wonder if my birth mother was an actress. In fact, my high school Spanish teacher told me I looked a

Part 55: Riley Shepard's Essay On Capital Punishment
Today is Sunday, December 6th. Our 45th president still claims wide spread voter fraud, and that he actually won the election. He has...

Part 54: The Riley Shepard Show, Cable Access
Today is Sunday, November 29, 2020. On Friday, the outgoing POTUS tweeted these theories about voter fraud: "Biden did poorly in big...

Part 53: Riley in the 1940s, Merchant Marines, Etc
Today is Sunday, November 22, 2020. Biden and Harris are up by six million votes, and have won the 2020 election, but Trump continues...

Part 52: Riley’s Second Wife, Riley’s Performances, Press Clippings, Klym Hawley
Today is Sunday, November 15, 2020. The 45th president of the United States still refuses to concede the election to President-elect Joe...