Part 65: Criswell and Halo, Riley Sold Cheesecakes To Pay Rent & The FBI
©Stacya Shepard Silverman Riley Shepard ’s Promise 2021 All Rights Reserved Today is Saturday, March 20, 2021. Deaths from the...

Part 63: Riley Shepard's Cookbook, and How I Was Reunited with His Encyclopedia of Folk Music
Today is Sunday, January 31, 2021. 30 million of 50 million vaccines have been distributed. There are three strains of the new virus,...

Part 62: Video From "The Riley Shepard Show" and Liner Notes by Kevin Coffey, Riley’s Career
Today is Sunday, January 24th, 2021. There is a new strain of the COVID-19 virus that seems to be more contagious. N95 masks and KN95...

Part 57: Riley Shepard History, His Journal, and A Video Clip
Today is Sunday, December 20th, 2020. The historic Cliff House restaurant, which first opened 157 years ago, will close. 180 employees...

Part 52: Riley’s Second Wife, Riley’s Performances, Press Clippings, Klym Hawley
Today is Sunday, November 15, 2020. The 45th president of the United States still refuses to concede the election to President-elect Joe...

Part 50: More Letters, A Librarian Remembers Riley
It's Sunday, November 1st, 2020. It's Daylight Savings Time, even though no one I know understands why we still do this. The presidential...

Part 49: Boo! Halloween, Boobs, and Scary Art
This painting scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. It is one of my earliest memories... this doll, separated from it's head....

Part 48: Adult Reading, Not To Be Sold To Minors.
Today is Sunday, October 18th, 2020. In Washington State, most of us have our ballots. Ours arrived last night. Here, we've been voting...

Part 47: More Porn Books, Riley’s Hollywood Typing Pool
The women look up at me. A few of them look at each other, but they don’t make a move to get up to help me, their hands hovering above their