Part 100: The Big Fish
According to Riley Shepard, he produced "Breakfast at Tiffany's", wrote the song "Blue Christmas", had cash stowed away in England.

Part 63: Riley Shepard's Cookbook, and How I Was Reunited with His Encyclopedia of Folk Music
Today is Sunday, January 31, 2021. 30 million of 50 million vaccines have been distributed. There are three strains of the new virus,...

Part 13: A Wedding, A Short Con, and Drifting
Riley started this journal late in life, maybe in the 1980s. With some pages, he begins with his age, then he includes not only personal...

Part 12: More on Riley's Journal and His Escapes From The Labor Camp/Prison for Boys
I've had a revelation reading through my father's various escapes and how he hid from the authorities. I finally understand why Dad would ne

Part 10: Riley's Real Troubles Begin
Reading through the reports from The Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School for Boys, I noticed a dramatic change in tone after the...

Part Nine: "Looking For Good Christian Men Who Have a Strong Interest in Boys..."
I was nervous and had trouble focusing when I entered the Wilson Library to study the place where my Dad was sent when he was a kid.

Part 8: Things Boys Got In Trouble For in the Early 1900s
I found this list of habits and offenses that could categorize a kid as a delinquent back in the 1920s. The list was in a pamphlet at the...