Part 111: Put a Bird On It
Around the time I turned twelve, my father realized that my voice was changing, sounding more mature.

Part 107: Funerals and Weddings
Today is Saturday, March 2nd, 2024. Russian opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny died on February 16th. Only 47, he died in an Arctic...

Part 103: Riley and The Library of Congress, Stack 50
Today is Sunday, November 26th, 2023. On Thanksgiving, we had two friends over, Monte and Mary Ellen. I've known Monte since we were...

Part 89: Riley Borrows Money, Seeks More Investors
When we were living in Hollywood, Jan and Riley were walking down Vine Street one day when a man came out of the shadows and followed...

Part 82: Riley Shepard's Top Songs
Stolen songs and strange behavior, Riley Shepard fits right in.

Part 61: 1970s, Riley's Diner, Half-Sister Leslie Shows up
Today is Sunday, January 17, 2021. Trump has been impeached for inciting an insurrection. The 45th president has been quiet, many of his...

Part 59: Riley Often Claimed He Wrote The Song "Blue Christmas."
When I was a little girl, my father told me that he wrote the song "Blue Christmas". I'm pretty sure the first time he told me that is when

Part 39: Memories, My Sisters, Marty Melcher, Criswell and Halo
Marion's biological mother basically said to her, "No, that's not him." The thing is, Marion and I both had our DNA tested.

Part 37: Jan and Riley
Once, when they were in a group of people, Riley said, "Remember when we met Kris Kristofferson?" Everyone turned to look at Jan.

Part 33: Burgess Meredith and The Gold Rush
I have no idea if he and Burgess Meredith and Gary Romero made a dime off this album. Or The Quartones, for that matter.