Part 83: Houseguest & The Encyclopedia of Folk Music
My father said that part of his encyclopedia of folk music was burned in a fire, and that he'd have to start all over. Was it true?

Part 63: Riley Shepard's Cookbook, and How I Was Reunited with His Encyclopedia of Folk Music
Today is Sunday, January 31, 2021. 30 million of 50 million vaccines have been distributed. There are three strains of the new virus,...

Part 50: More Letters, A Librarian Remembers Riley
It's Sunday, November 1st, 2020. It's Daylight Savings Time, even though no one I know understands why we still do this. The presidential...

Part 19: This is the Blog Where I Attempt to List All of Riley Shepard's Pen Names...
Since masks are on everyone's mind around here, what better time to attempt to list all the names my father used throughout his life.

Part 17: Riley's Early 20s and His Journal: A Look Back
“They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by...

Part One: Was My Father a Crook? Riley Shepard's History in North Carolina
I could tell the man was elderly, and there was something in the tone of his voice that overwhelmed me with dread.